09 May 2012
05 May 2012
Individual English Writing Task
ID Class : A
NPM : 220110100134
Case: Indonesian Nursing Act in Indonesia should incorporate the legal aspect for allowing nurses to prescribe medicines particularly for those who work in remote area
Nursing is the most health professionals. However, nurses have a duty only upon the fulfillment of basic human needs. Nurses can’t deliver the drug as a means of healing.
In remote places, where the number of doctors are not balanced by the number of patients, the nurse to be confusing because if health professionals don’t provide assistance to people who are sick, it can be imprisoned.
Emergency situations often occur in areas where there is no doctor and patient referral process to the hospitas bercause of constrained geographical factors, cost, distance, and availability of transportation facilities, nursing had prosecuted like fruit simalakama of having to give drugs that included a list of G to save the patient. In facr, the Health Act does not allow it, but on the other hand, ehen the nurses left patients stranded snared law.
From this, we can realize that nurses in key positions in health service delivery to communities, so we need a clear regulation in regulating the provision of nursing care and legal protection were obtained by a nurse absolute. With the Nursing Practice Act, there will be a guarantee of quality and standards of practice, as well as legal protection for the giver and the recipient of nursing care. Currently the insistence of all elements of nursing Nursing Act will need to be higher. The above description illustrate just how important the Nursing Act is not just for nurses themselves, but also for the community as the recipient of nursing care.